


Guangdong High School Students

MUN Conference 2021


2021 广东中学生模拟联合国大会



Guangdong High School Students Model United Nations

Conference Organizing Committee



根据参赛学生就读年级不同,英语水平不同,兴趣领域不同,提供A、B、C三组不同初赛试题,中英文版本相同。参赛的同学可以选择其中一组题目,以中英文进行写作。参加中文委员会的初中学生应以中文写作,参加英文委员会的初中生以及所有高中学生应用英文写作。要求中文文章 800 字以上,英文文章500 字以上。文章不得抄袭,如有引用,请以脚注的形式标注。


    1.字体:小四;中文使用宋体,英文使用Times New Roman;




        √    期刊杂志   李东燕: “联合国与国际和平与安全的维护”,《世界经济与政治》,2015年,第4期,第4~22页。

        √    学术专著   休·希顿—沃森:《民族与国家:对民族起源与民族主义政治的探讨》,吴洪英、黄群译,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2009年,第614~615 页。

        √    网络资源   联合国《千年宣言》http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N00/559/50/PDF/N0055950.pdf?openElement.(2015年9月2日)。


        √    学术专著  Stephen Tierney,“Legal Issues Surrounding the Referendum on Independence for Scotland”,European Constitutional Law Review,Vol.9,No.3,2013,p.361.

        √    期刊杂志  Robert Goman, Great Debates at the United Nations: an Encyclopedia of Fifty Key Issues,1945-2000,London: Greenwood Press,2001,p.321.





You can choose one of the topics in page 3 to write an essay according to your grade ,level of English competency and your interest. Participants from Junior High school in the Chinese Committee may write it in Chinese. Other participants, including all Senior High school participants and those from Junior High school who wish to participate in the English Committee, should write the essays in English.

The format of your essay should be as follows:

Typeface: 12-pt Times New Roman.

Spacing: Use a 1.5 times-spaced paragraph with a 2-character indentation on the beginning of each paragraph. Use only one space after each period at all times.


1.Please state your name, grade, school, email address and the topic you choose at the first page of your essay.

2.The Chinese committee is open to junior high school students exclusively but the English committee is open to both junior high school students and senior high school students.



A组:中国成功脱贫(China's success in poverty alleviation









Xi, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee announced in a grand gathering held in Beijing to mark the country's accomplishments in poverty alleviation and award its model poverty fighters.He said,China has lifted 98.99 million poor rural residents under the current poverty line out of poverty, with 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 poor villages removed from the poverty list.This implies that China has achieved the goal of NO POVERTY listed in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 10 years ahead of schedule,setting a Chinese example of poverty alleviation for the world.


In stark contrast to this great feat of China, many countries and regions in the world have made little progress in poverty alleviation.More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfil the most basic needs such as health, education, and access to water and sanitation, to name a few. The majority of people living on less than $1.90 a day live in sub-Saharan Africa. Worldwide, the poverty rate in rural areas is 17.2 per centmore than three times higher than in urban areas.


New research published by the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research warns that the economic fallout from the global pandemic could increase global poverty by as much as half a billion people, or 8% of the total human population. This would be the first time that poverty has increased globally in thirty years, since 1990.


In order to submit a report to the United Nations and share China's poverty alleviation experience, please write an essay introducing China's success in poverty alleviation.

[1] https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/zh/poverty/

[2] https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/zh/poverty/


1.    《中国扶贫实地调研报告》 公众号:卢克文工作室;https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yGOyPBjYC3ji7OXp-m4fcg

2.    《宣战2020——中国扶贫报告》 李小云 汪三贵等 https://pit.ifeng.com/report/special/zgfpbg/index.shtml

3.    《全国人民代表大会常务委员会专题调研组关于脱贫攻坚工作情况的调研报告(全文)》 公众号:中国扶贫 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hSCh5EuOX8xRGYH94b9gXg


5.《中国精准扶贫发展报告(2017)》 陆汉文 黄承伟  社会科学文献出版社出版;

6. 林毅夫:《战胜命运:跨越贫困陷阱创造经济奇迹》,北京大学出版社,2017




B组:美国的衰落,暂时的还是永久的?(The Decline of America: Temporary or Permanent ?







On May 22, 2020, Dario, CEO of Bridgewater Fund, a well-known hedging agency released a 20,000-word essay titiled The Big Cycles Over The Last 500 years, in which he analyzed the 500-year history of the rise and fall of several great empires and publicly declared the decline of America:The United States will follow the Rome Empire, Charlemagne Empire, and the British Empire to decline, and China will rise and replace it.


Actually, the view about Americas decline has been around for a long time. In the 1980s,Japan had a boom in its economy, with its electrical appliance flooding into U.S., impacting North American industries. A Japanese merchant bought the The Empire State Building in New York City, stating that he could buy up real estate in America. A voice that America was to decline hit the Americans suddenly. Back further, America was at a disadvantage for a long time during the cold war especially in the 1970s, abroad, the United States fell into the quagmire of the Vietnam War,while at home the United States had high inflation and frequent racial riots. A scene of the end of the empire enveloped the entire land of North America.


But it turned out that the short-lived prosperity and of Japan and the Soviet Union hegemony were only embellishments and interlude on the road to sustained prosperity for the United States, and the decline of the United States is only wishful thinking of many people.However,the challenger of the United States this time is China, a powerful opponent that is very different from Japan and the Soviet Union. The challenges China brings to the United States are all-round. While facing a powerful challenger externally, the United States itself is also experiencing unprecedented difficulties. Polarized politics has made it almost impossible for the two parties to reach a consensus. The rupture of racial issues may push the United States into a civil war and long-term changes in the demographic structure may destroy the traditional values of the United States.


Is the decline of the United States this time temporary or permanent? Please give your answer and write an essay explaining why you think so.


1.    《美国社会的根本问题在哪里?》 公众号:地球知识局 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/A55w1y8Nc4TWpaSgbxmIXw

2.    《赌美国会输,就一定是一个不明智的选择吗?》 公众号:灼识新维度https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/alUwiWWkti4VxVDmmhzdug

3.    《美国再次伟大,需要的是一场自我颠覆性内战》https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vjtVsWoSsqd8_kQddMA1bA  公众号:灼识新维度;

4.    20世纪的美国》(修订版)资中筠  商务印书馆 201806 (唯一指定版本);

5.    《美帝国的奔溃》 约翰·加尔通  人民文学出版社;

6.    《光荣与梦想》 威廉·曼彻斯特著;


C组:未雨绸缪—当下一场大流行病来袭时,我们该如何应对?(Prepare for a rainy day ——How to prepare for the next pandemic?)


2019918日,全球防范工作监测委员会(The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board )发布了《一个危机四伏的世界:全球突发卫生事件防范工作年度报告》(A World At Risk: Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies )预测世界随时会爆发一场致命的呼吸道病原体的大流行病(Pandemic),并且可能会有5000-8000万人会死亡。除了恐怖的死亡率外,流行病还会造成恐慌,破坏国家安全,严重影响全球经济和贸易。 











On September 18, 2019 ,the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) released  A World At Risk: Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies,in which it predicted that a virulent respiratory pathogen pandemic would break out anytime,causing 50-80 million deaths. In addition to tragic levels of mortality, such a pandemic could cause panic,destabilize national security and seriously impact the global economy and trade.


On 31 Dec 2019,WHOs Country Office in the Peoples Republic of China picked up a media statement by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission from their website on cases of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, Peoples Republic of China. From this day, the WHO has been reporting the latest news about this new disease on a daily basis. However, all the countries turn a deaf ear to the warnings from WHO.


On 11 March 2020,Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO recognized COVID-19 a pandemic.


Speaking at the COVID-19 media briefing, the Director-General highlighted how WHO had been in full response mode since being notified of the first cases and "called every day for countries to take urgent and aggressive action".


Recognizing that COVID-19 was not just a public health crisis but one that would touch every sector, he restated WHO's call made from the beginning  for countries to take a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach, built around a comprehensive strategy to prevent infections,save lives and minimize impact.


Emphasizing that “we cannot say this loudly enough, or clearly enough, or often enough”, he stressed that “all countries can still change the course of this pandemic” if they “detect, test, treat, isolate, trace, and mobilize their people in the response”.


He stressed that the challenge for many countries who are now dealing with large clusters or community transmission is not whether they can do the same -it’s whether they will”.


However,despite the report of the GPMC and the various early warnings of the WH O, governments around the world did not prepare for epidemic in the early stage with sufficient time,which led to the spread of the virus.As the cases continued to rise,the treatment of confirmed patients, the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the provision of medical supplies basically fell into a mess.


Internationally, there are continuous reports that government around the around were dealing with this pandemic without cooperation and coordination and detaining medical protective materials;developed countries ordered vaccines that far exceed their real needs, resulting in no vaccine available in many underdeveloped countries. Domestically, many residents refused to obey stay-at-home rules; medical protective materials such as masks,disinfectants, and protective clothing were far from enough; many were laid off by large hospitals in some countries,resulting in a shortage of medical staff.


All that are mentioned above show us that we are far from being prepared for a pandemic. However, this pandemic has left us many lessons, and we must prepare for the next pandemic by reflecting and learning from the lessons of this time. Please write a report on how we should be prepared for the next pandemic.



1.《重磅报告 |<预防下一次大流行病:人畜共患疾病以及如何阻断传播链>https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/f2l9TrptgvzU1jKqR9uowA



2.《世卫组织应对COVID-19疫情时间线》 https://www.who.int/zh/news/item/29-06-2020-covidtimeline


3. A World At Risk: Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies



4.《致命敌人 为下一次大流行病做准备》   []  迈克尔·T· 奥斯特霍姆 马可·奥尔沙克   张彦希、张瑾、黄怡洁、王宸   中信出版集团 202011;


5.《人类大瘟疫 一个世纪以来的全球流行病》  [马克·霍尼斯鲍姆 著,谷晓阳 李曈 ;


6.The Pandemic Century Mark Honigsbaum W. W. Norton & Company;



评分标准Scoring Criteria



Scoring Criteria标准





Show a thorough knowledge and understanding of   the topic.





Present well-reasoned arguments supported by appropriate   evidence and detail, which are closely to the given topics.





Demonstrate original and critical thoughts.





Fully address all parts of task;

Have a clear introduction and conclusion;

Be natural in transition between paragraphs and points.



Convey precise meanings with wide range of   vocabulary and structure and have no grammar errors.



范文 example papers: 









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